What is OET Exam?
The OET exam is an exclusive English language test that has been designed for health care professionals. Since 2013, the OET test has been conducted by CBLA or Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment which is a venture between Cambridge English and Boxhill Institute. OET exam has been specifically designed for 12 healthcare professions including Occupational Therapy, Dentistry, Nursing, Radiography, Veterinary Science, Medicine, Speech Pathology, Physiotherapy, Dietetics, Podiatry, Pharmacy, and Optometry. Healthcare professionals who are looking to work or study in the healthcare sector in Australia, Canada, Ireland, Maldives, Malta, Namibia, New Zealand, Philippines, Qatar, Singapore, Spain, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates and the United States of America are required to apply for the OET test to be able to prove their level of English proficiency to be competent to deliver superior healthcare